11月17日消息,据外媒报道,谷歌云CEO戴安妮格林(Diane Greene)准备辞职,前甲骨文高管托马斯库里安(Thomas Kurian)将成为谷歌云新任CEO。
Diane Greene的任期到明年1月,Thomas Kurian将在11月26日加入谷歌Cloud云服务部门,留出一些时间来保证平稳过渡。在Diane Greene发布的离职信中,她表示未来将投入教育和慈善事业。
谷歌云近来已经有多位高管离职,说明Diane Greene或许早有预兆。雷锋网(公众号:雷锋网)此前报道,11月15日,Google Cloud AI研发主管兼Google AI中国中心总裁李佳确认离职,更早之前的9月10日,Google Cloud AI首席科学家李飞飞也已经离职。
要算到更早之前,谷歌云副总裁Bogomil Balkansky 8月份离职,一直以来他被视为谷歌云首席执行官Diane Greene的长期副手,在Bogomil Balkansky离职前的一个多月,谷歌云COO Diane Bryant也离职了,她去年12月起担任Google Cloud首席运营官。
如此之多的高管密集离职,也引起了市场对于谷歌云的担忧。据Synergy Research统计数据显示,AWS占有34%的市场份额,微软以15%的市场份额排在第二位,IBM第三名,谷歌排在第四名,市场份额是个位数。
在Diane Greene的三年任期内,谷歌云算是打出了自己的招牌。在Gartner的魔力象限报告和Forrester的Waves报告中,谷歌云都在领导者象限,谷歌云在卫生医疗、金融服务、零售、游戏和媒体、能源和生产以及交通等领域都有所建树。Cloud ML和Cloud IoT团队的成立确立了谷歌技术上的优势,期间谷歌云还收购了Apigee、Kaggle、Qwiklabs和其他一些初创公司。
以下为Diane Greene离职信:
Hello All,
When I joined Google full-time to run Cloud in December 2015, I told my family and friends that it would be for two years. Now, after an unbelievably stimulating and productive three years, it's time to turn to the passions I've long had around mentoring and education.
The mentoring will include investing in and helping female founder CEOs who have engineering or science backgrounds. I want to encourage every woman engineer and scientist to think in terms of building their own company someday. The world will be a better place with more female founder CEOs.
The work in education will especially be initiatives that combine technology with in-person teaching to make high-quality education that is low-cost, scalable and personalized. When bebop was purchased by Google, I committed all of my proceeds to philanthropy, it is high time to put that money to work!
Thomas Kurian, a respected technologist and executive, will be joining Google Cloud on November 26th and transitioning into the Google Cloud leadership role in early 2019. Sundar, Urs and I all interviewed Thomas, and I believe that he'll do an amazing job helping to take Google Cloud to the next level.Thomas has 22 years of experience at Oracle; most recently he was President of Product Development.
I will continue as CEO through January, working with Thomas to ensure a smooth transition. I will remain a Director on the Alphabet board.
The Google Cloud team has accomplished amazing things over the last three years, and I'm proud to have been a part of this transformative work. We have moved Google Cloud from having only two significant customers and a collection of startups to having major Fortune 1000 enterprises betting their future on Google Cloud, something we should accept as a great compliment as well as a huge responsibility.
We've built a strong business together—set up by integrating sales, marketing, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Google Apps/G Suite into what is now called Google Cloud.
We established a training and professional services organization and partnering organizations. We revamped customer engineering and added a team of experts in the Office of the CTO. We also pioneered a way to help enterprises adopt AI through our Advanced Solutions Lab. We built out a full marketing organization that in just three years has received many recognitions including Cannes Lions awards. We set up our industry verticals org where we have achieved massive traction in health, financial services, retail, gaming and media, energy and manufacturing, and transportation. We set up the Cloud ML and the Cloud IoT groups. We acquired Apigee, Kaggle, qwiklabs and several great small startups. Our technology development has been recognized throughout the industry, and Google Cloud is differentiated in security, AI, open hybrid application modernization, G Suite, and many other areas. We are now recognized as a leader in 11 Gartner Magic Quadrants and Forrester Waves.
But here's what I'm most proud of: the phenomenal team assembled and how we together have built out all of our functions for customer-facing enterprise readiness and engineering enterprise execution. When this journey started, some people would say that Google had great technology but they weren't sure that customers would rely on Google as their enterprise partner. At our recent Google Cloud Next event in San Francisco, we had over 23,000 attendees, representing 10x growth from 2016. With nearly 300 customers speaking about how Google Cloud is helping to transform their businesses, no one was questioning our seriousness or our abilities.
The cloud space is early and there is an enormous opportunity ahead. I have loved working with everyone. I am especially grateful to all of our customers, partners, and employees for an amazing three years of getting to work with you.
我们一起打造了强大的业务,整合了销售、营销、谷歌云服务平台和谷歌Apps/G Suite,并更名为谷歌Cloud。
我们建立了一个培训和专业服务组织和合作关系组织。我们改造了消费者工程,增加了专家人才。我们还带头帮助企业采用我们的高级解决方案实验室打造的AI技术。我们在短短三年内就打造了一个市场营销组织,而且还获得了很多认可,包括戛纳国际创意奖。我们建立了行业垂直组织,并在卫生医疗、金融服务、零售、游戏和媒体、能源和生产以及交通方面产生了很大的吸引力。我们建造了Cloud ML和Cloud IoT团队。我们收购了Apigee、Kaggle、Qwiklabs和其他一些初创公司。我们的技术开发在整个行业都得到了认可。谷歌Cloud云服务在安全、人工智能、开放混合云应用现代化、G Suite和其他领域都具有独特的优势。我们在市场研究公司Gartner的魔力象限报告和市场研究公司Forrester的Waves报告中均被认为是市场领导者。
但是,我真正感到骄傲的地方是:我们的整个团队一起合作打造出了所有这些功能。在一开始,有人说谷歌有很了不起的技术,但是他们并不相信谷歌会成为他们的企业合作伙伴。最近在旧金山举行的谷歌Cloud Next活动中,有超过2.3万个人参加,这是2016年参会人数的10倍。我们现在有300个客户在谈论谷歌Cloud如何帮助变革了他们的业务。现在没有人质疑我们的能力或态度。
继COO闪电离职后 谷歌云首席执行官的VP级“追随者”也确认离职了