『我不生产代码,我只是代码的搬运工。』当然了,这是一个玩笑。说到代码,我们要学习各种编程语言,学习如何让编译器能懂我们编写的代码。但是,编译器是如何做到能听懂我们的话的呢?按照我们既定的语句一行行的去执行,最终达到我们的目的。这篇文章,我会讲一个很简单的四则运算解释器,通过使用 Python 实现它来一步步了解一个解释器是如何工作的,它们又是怎么得到我们想要的结果的。
这个语法图就是一个描述了简单的加减运算的语法图,term 在其中的意思就是一个操作数,一开始输入一个操作数,有三条路径可以选择『+』,『-』和退出,如果进入了『+』、『-』路径,则需要再输入一个操作数,之后的路径包括『+』、『-』和退出,如此循环,就能解释一个简单的加减法解释器。
- 4
- 1 + 1
- 1 + 4 - 3
- -
- + -
- 2 +
- + 3 - 3
- 用图的方式表示出一种计算机语言的设计规范
- 可以帮助理解解释器,将图表表示成代码
学习一样东西最简单的就是阅读代码(Read the Fucking Code!),因此我们先来看完整代码然后再来分析一下,完整代码在:https://github.com/luoyhang003/Pascal-Interpreter/blob/master/calc3.py
# Token Types:
# EOF: End-Of-File
class Token(object): def __init__(self, type, value): # Token types: INTEGER, PLUS, MINUS, EOF self.type = type # Token value: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,+,None self.value = value def __str__(self): """ The format of the print infomation For examle: Token(INTEGER, 3) Token(PLUS, '+') Token(MINUS, '-') """ return 'Token({type},{value})'.format( type = self.type, value = repr(self.value) ) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
class Interpreter(object): def __init__(self, text): # Process the whole input # e.g. 3+5 self.text = text self.pos = 0 self.current_token = None self.current_char = self.text[self.pos] def error(self): raise Exception('Error Parsing Error!') def advance(self): # Advance the pos and set current_char self.pos += 1 if self.pos > len(self.text)-1: self.current_char = None else: self.current_char = self.text[self.pos] def skip_whitespace(self): # Skip space while self.current_char is not None and self.current_char.isspace(): self.advance() def integer(self): # Support mutidigit integer result = '' while self.current_char is not None and self.current_char.isdigit(): result += self.current_char self.advance() return int(result) def get_next_token(self): """ Lexical Analyzer: Parsing the input into tokens. Strategy: 1. is pos past the end of the text? 2. if so, return EOF 3. get a character at pos, and decide its type depends on the single char 4. if it is a space, advance the pos 5. if it is a digit, then convert it to integer and return INTEGER token 6. if it is a '+', then return PLUS token 7. if it is a '-', then return MINUS token """ while self.current_char is not None: if self.pos > len(self.text) - 1: return Token(EOF, None) current_char = self.text[self.pos] if current_char.isspace(): self.skip_whitespace() continue if current_char.isdigit(): return Token(INTEGER, self.integer()) if current_char == '+': self.advance() return Token(PLUS, '+') if current_char == '-': self.advance() return Token(MINUS, '-') self.error() return Token(EOF, None) def eat(self, token_type): # compare the current token with the passed token type # if they match then eat the current token and assign next token to the self.current_token # otherwise raise an Exception if self.current_token.type == token_type: self.current_token = self.get_next_token() else: self.error() def term(self): # return an Integer Token's value token = self.current_token self.eat(INTEGER) return token.value def expr(self): # expr -> INTEGER PLUS INTEGER # expr -> INTEGER MINUS INTEGER self.current_token = self.get_next_token() result = self.term() while self.current_token.type in (PLUS, MINUS): token = self.current_token if token.type == PLUS: self.eat(PLUS) result += self.term() if token.type == MINUS: self.eat(MINUS) result -= self.term() return result
def main(): while True: try: text = raw_input('cal> ') except EOFError: break if not text: continue interpreter = Interpreter(text) result = interpreter.expr() print(result)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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在代码中,我们首先定义了四种 Token:整数(Integer)、加法(+)、减法(-)、终止符(EOF)
- term 方法,在表达式中解析出一个整数
def term(self): # return an Integer Token's value token = self.current_token self.eat(INTEGER) return token.value
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- expr 方法,根据语法图的流程来解析语句
def expr(self): # expr -> INTEGER PLUS INTEGER # expr -> INTEGER MINUS INTEGER self.current_token = self.get_next_token() result = self.term() while self.current_token.type in (PLUS, MINUS): token = self.current_token if token.type == PLUS: self.eat(PLUS) result += self.term() if token.type == MINUS: self.eat(MINUS) result -= self.term() return result
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expr 方法,首先调用 term 方法获取一个整数,然后判断后边的 Token 是加法还是减法,之后再获取一个整数,然后进行运算,然后判断之后还有没有运算符,如果没有就返回结果,如果还有就重复以上步骤。我们看到 expr 方法是严格按照语法图进行解释的。
cal> 1+2
cal> 1+4-3
cal> 1+ 5 -6
cal> 1 +
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "calc3.py", line 176, in <module> main()
File "calc3.py", line 172, in main result = interpreter.expr()
File "calc3.py", line 155, in expr result += self.term()
File "calc3.py", line 136, in term self.eat(INTEGER)
File "calc3.py", line 131, in eat self.error()
File "calc3.py", line 54, in error raise Exception('Error Parsing Error!')
Exception: Error Parsing Error!
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- 文法以更简明的方式说明一种程序设计语言的语法。比起来语法图,文法十分简洁。
- 文法可以用作很好的文档
- 文法可以非常方便的转换成代码(非常方便~)
我们以『3 * 4 / 5 * 2』这样的算数乘除表达式为例,它对应的文法表达式为:
一段文法由一系列的规则(rule)组成,在上述文法中,我们有两条规则:expr: factor ((MUL | DIV) factor)*
和factor: INTEGER
表示『或』,多选一。(MUL | DIV)
表示要么 MUL(乘)要么 DIV(除)( )
一对圆括号表示把终结符非终结符组合起来,就像 (MUL | DIV) 一样( )*
表示匹配组合里面的内容 0 次或者多次,就像 while 循环
解释一下 expr 规则:
expr 可以是一个 factor 可选地接着一个乘法或者除法运算符,再接着另一个 factor,依次可选地接着一个乘法或者除法运算符,再接着另一个 factor……
现在我们以解释『3 * 4 / 5 * 2』这样的算数乘除表达式为例:
factor ((MUL | DIV) factor)*
factor MUL factor ((MUL | DIV) factor)*
factor MUL factor DIV factor ((MUL | DIV) factor)*
factor MUL factor DIV factor MUL factor
3 * 4 / 5 * 2
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- 对于文法中定义的每一条规则 R,都可以在代码中变成同名的方法 R()
- 对于多个可选项
( | )
语句 - 可选的
( )*
语句,表示可以循环 0~n 次
- factor 方法
def factor(self): # return an Integer Token's value # factor: Integer token = self.current_token self.eat(INTEGER) return token.value
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- expr 方法
def expr(self): # Arithmetic expression parser # expr: factor( (MUL | DIV) factor)* # factor: Integer result = self.factor() while self.current_token.type in (MUL, DIV): token = self.current_token if token.type == MUL: self.eat(MUL) result = result * self.factor() elif token.type == DIV: self.eat(DIV) result = result / self.factor() return result
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操作符 | 优先级 | 结合性 |
2 | 左结合 |
1 | 左结合 |
- 为每个优先级定义一个非终结符。非终结符所在产生式的主体应该包含同等级的算术运算符和优先级高一级的非终结符
- 为表达式创建一个额外的非终结符 factor 作为基本单位,在我们的例子中该基本单位是整数。通用的规则是如果你有 N 层优先级,那么你总共需要 N + 1 个非终结符:每层优先级需要一个非终结符,加上一个用作表达式基本单位的非终结符。
在之前,我们的基本单位只有 INTEGER,这次我们加入括号表达式。
- LPAREN 表示左括号,RPAREN 表示右括号
- 括号表达式内的非终结符 expr 表示 expr 规则
下面我们以『 3 * (1 + 5)』为例,来说明该文法是如何工作的:
# Token Types:
# EOF: End-Of-File
class Token(object): def __init__(self, type, value): # Token types: INTEGER, PLUS, MINUS, MUL, DIV, EOF self.type = type # Token value: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,,+,-,*,/,None self.value = value def __str__(self): """ The format of the print infomation For examle: Token(INTEGER, 3) Token(PLUS, '+') Token(MINUS, '-') TOKEN(MUL, '*') TOEKN(LPAREN, ')') """ return 'Token({type},{value})'.format( type = self.type, value = repr(self.value) ) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
class Lexer(object): def __init__(self, text): # Process the whole input # e.g. 3+ 5 * 2 - 4/2 self.text = text self.pos = 0 self.current_char = self.text[self.pos] def error(self): raise Exception('Invalid character!') def advance(self): # Advance the pos and set current_char self.pos += 1 if self.pos > len(self.text)-1: self.current_char = None else: self.current_char = self.text[self.pos] def skip_whitespace(self): # Skip space while self.current_char is not None and self.current_char.isspace(): self.advance() def integer(self): # Support mutidigit integer result = '' while self.current_char is not None and self.current_char.isdigit(): result += self.current_char self.advance() return int(result) def get_next_token(self): """ Lexical Analyzer: Parsing the input into tokens. Strategy: 1. dictate current char 2. if it is a space, advance the pos 3. if it is a digit, then convert it to integer and return INTEGER token 4. if it is a '+', then return PLUS token 5. if it is a '-', then return MINUS token 6. if it is a '*', then return MUL token 7. if it is a '/', then return DIV token 8. if it is a '(', then return LPAREN token 9. if it is a ')', then return RPAREN token """ while self.current_char is not None: if self.current_char.isspace(): self.skip_whitespace() continue if self.current_char.isdigit(): return Token(INTEGER, self.integer()) if self.current_char == '+': self.advance() return Token(PLUS, '+') if self.current_char == '-': self.advance() return Token(MINUS, '-') if self.current_char == '*': self.advance() return Token(MUL, '*') if self.current_char == '/': self.advance() return Token(DIV, '/') if self.current_char == '(': self.advance() return Token(LPAREN, '(') if self.current_char == ')': self.advance() return Token(RPAREN, ')') self.error() return Token(EOF, None)
class Interpreter(object): def __init__(self, lexer): self.lexer = lexer self.current_token = self.lexer.get_next_token() def error(self): raise Exception('Invalid Syntax') def eat(self, token_type): # compare the current token with the passed token type # if they match then eat the current token and assign next token to the self.current_token # otherwise raise an Exception if self.current_token.type == token_type: self.current_token = self.lexer.get_next_token() else: self.error() def factor(self): # factor: Integer | LPAREN expr RPAREN token = self.current_token if token.type == INTEGER: self.eat(INTEGER) return token.value if token.type == LPAREN: self.eat(LPAREN) result = self.expr() self.eat(RPAREN) return result def term(self): # term: factor( (MUL | DIV) factor)* # factor: Integer result = self.factor() while self.current_token.type in (MUL, DIV): token = self.current_token if token.type == MUL: self.eat(MUL) result = result * self.factor() elif token.type == DIV: self.eat(DIV) result = result / self.factor() return result def expr(self): # expr: term( (PLUS | MINUS) term)* # term: factor( (MUL | DIV) factor)* # factor: Integer result = self.term() while self.current_token.type in (PLUS, MINUS): token = self.current_token if token.type == PLUS: self.eat(PLUS) result = result + self.term() elif token.type == MINUS: self.eat(MINUS) result = result - self.term() return result
def main(): while True: try: text = raw_input('cal> ') except EOFError: break if not text: continue lexer = Lexer(text) interpreter = Interpreter(lexer) result = interpreter.expr() print(result)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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cal> 1+1
cal> 1*3
cal> 1+3*3
cal> 5*(1+5)
cal> (5+6)/(3-1)*2
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本文的版权归作者 罗远航 所有,采用 Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 License。任何人可以进行转载、分享,但不可在未经允许的情况下用于商业用途;转载请注明出处。感谢配合!
文章来源: blog.csdn.net,作者:冰水比水冰,版权归原作者所有,如需转载,请联系作者。