Random Erasing的方式,将原数据集中一部分保持原样,另外一部分随机擦除一个矩形区域。
3.矩形的长和宽的设置分别是 算法中h、w,其乘积刚好是矩形面积s,其比值刚好是r。
import numpy as np
def get_random_eraser(p=0.5, s_l=0.02, s_h=0.4, r_1=0.3, r_2=1/0.3, v_l=0, v_h=255, pixel_level=True): def eraser(input_img): if input_img.ndim == 3: img_h, img_w, img_c = input_img.shape elif input_img.ndim == 2: img_h, img_w = input_img.shape p_1 = np.random.rand() if p_1 > p: return input_img while True: print() s = np.random.uniform(s_l, s_h) * img_h * img_w r = np.random.uniform(r_1, r_2) w = int(np.sqrt(s / r)) h = int(np.sqrt(s * r)) left = np.random.randint(0, img_w) top = np.random.randint(0, img_h) if left + w <= img_w and top + h <= img_h: break if pixel_level: if input_img.ndim == 3: c = np.random.uniform(v_l, v_h, (h, w, img_c)) if input_img.ndim == 2: c = np.random.uniform(v_l, v_h, (h, w)) else: c = np.random.uniform(v_l, v_h) input_img[top:top + h, left:left + w] = c return input_img return eraser
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Cutout中,擦除矩形区域存在一定概率不完全在原图像中的,Cutout变相的实现了任意大小的擦除,以及保留更多重要区域。而在Random Erasing中,擦除矩形区域一定在原图像内,这点可以从下面random-erasing公式看出来。
# cutout def _cutout(self, img, bboxes, length=100, n_holes=1, threshold=0.5): ''' 原版本:https://github.com/uoguelph-mlrg/Cutout/blob/master/util/cutout.py Randomly mask out one or more patches from an image. Args: img : a 3D numpy array,(h,w,c) bboxes : 框的坐标 n_holes (int): Number of patches to cut out of each image. length (int): The length (in pixels) of each square patch. ''' def cal_iou(boxA, boxB): ''' boxA, boxB为两个框,返回iou boxB为bouding box ''' # determine the (x, y)-coordinates of the intersection rectangle xA = max(boxA[0], boxB[0]) yA = max(boxA[1], boxB[1]) xB = min(boxA[2], boxB[2]) yB = min(boxA[3], boxB[3]) if xB <= xA or yB <= yA: return 0.0 # compute the area of intersection rectangle interArea = (xB - xA + 1) * (yB - yA + 1) # compute the area of both the prediction and ground-truth # rectangles boxAArea = (boxA[2] - boxA[0] + 1) * (boxA[3] - boxA[1] + 1) boxBArea = (boxB[2] - boxB[0] + 1) * (boxB[3] - boxB[1] + 1) # compute the intersection over union by taking the intersection # area and dividing it by the sum of prediction + ground-truth # areas - the interesection area # iou = interArea / float(boxAArea + boxBArea - interArea) iou = interArea / float(boxBArea) # return the intersection over union value return iou # 得到h和w if img.ndim == 3: h, w, c = img.shape else: _, h, w, c = img.shape mask = np.ones((h, w, c), np.float32) for n in range(n_holes): chongdie = True # 看切割的区域是否与box重叠太多 while chongdie: y = np.random.randint(h) x = np.random.randint(w) y1 = np.clip(y - length // 2, 0, h) # numpy.clip(a, a_min, a_max, out=None), clip这个函数将将数组中的元素限制在a_min, a_max之间,大于a_max的就使得它等于 a_max,小于a_min,的就使得它等于a_min y2 = np.clip(y + length // 2, 0, h) x1 = np.clip(x - length // 2, 0, w) x2 = np.clip(x + length // 2, 0, w) chongdie = False for box in bboxes: if cal_iou([x1, y1, x2, y2], box) > threshold: chongdie = True break mask[y1: y2, x1: x2, :] = 0. # mask = np.expand_dims(mask, axis=0) img = img * mask return img
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其中 λ \lambda λ ,服从bete分布:
令 α \alpha α=1则 λ \lambda λ服从(0,1)的均匀分布。
其中M需要删掉的部分进行填充,其中圆代表是逐像素相乘,所有元素都为1 的二进制掩码。
为了对二进制掩M进行采样,首先要对剪裁区域的边界框XB= (r_x, r_y, r_w, r_h)进行采样,用来对样本x_A和x_B做裁剪区域的指示标定。在论文中对矩形掩码M进行采样(长宽与样本大小成比例)。
def rand_bbox(size, lam): W = size[2] H = size[3] """1.论文里的公式2,求出B的rw,rh""" cut_rat = np.sqrt(1. - lam) cut_w = np.int(W * cut_rat) cut_h = np.int(H * cut_rat) # uniform """2.论文里的公式2,求出B的rx,ry(bbox的中心点)""" cx = np.random.randint(W) cy = np.random.randint(H) #限制坐标区域不超过样本大小 bbx1 = np.clip(cx - cut_w // 2, 0, W) bby1 = np.clip(cy - cut_h // 2, 0, H) bbx2 = np.clip(cx + cut_w // 2, 0, W) bby2 = np.clip(cy + cut_h // 2, 0, H) """3.返回剪裁B区域的坐标值""" return bbx1, bby1, bbx2, bby
for i, (input, target) in enumerate(train_loader): # measure data loading time data_time.update(time.time() - end) input = input.cuda() target = target.cuda() r = np.random.rand(1) if args.beta > 0 and r < args.cutmix_prob: # generate mixed sample """1.设定lamda的值,服从beta分布""" lam = np.random.beta(args.beta, args.beta) """2.找到两个随机样本""" rand_index = torch.randperm(input.size()[0]).cuda() target_a = target#一个batch target_b = target[rand_index] #batch中的某一张 """3.生成剪裁区域B""" bbx1, bby1, bbx2, bby2 = rand_bbox(input.size(), lam) """4.将原有的样本A中的B区域,替换成样本B中的B区域""" input[:, :, bbx1:bbx2, bby1:bby2] = input[rand_index, :, bbx1:bbx2, bby1:bby2] # adjust lambda to exactly match pixel ratio """5.根据剪裁区域坐标框的值调整lam的值""" lam = 1 - ((bbx2 - bbx1) * (bby2 - bby1) / (input.size()[-1] * input.size()[-2])) # compute output """6.将生成的新的训练样本丢到模型中进行训练""" output = model(input) """7.按lamda值分配权重""" loss = criterion(output, target_a) * lam + criterion(output, target_b) * (1. - lam) else: # compute output output = model(input) loss = criterion(output, target)
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