By: ISME@SlowMist Team
0x01:通过 monero-wallet-cli 输入密码登录钱包
首先该攻击不会导致交易所任何资金损失,但是会锁定了交易所 XMR 流动性。
关于 locked_transfer 命令
monero-wallet-cli 关于 locked_transfer 命令解释如下:
locked_transfer [index=<N1>[,<N2>,…]] [<priority>] [<ring_size>] (<URI> | <addr> <amount>) <lockblocks> [<payment_id (obsolete)>]
locked_transfer FromAddress ToAddress 0.0101 20000
一般交易所会通过 get_transfers RPC 接口来解析 XMR 交易检测充值是否到账,在进行解析的时候只需要对 unlock_time 字段进行判断是否大于 0 则可以进行有效检测。
注:unlock_time 为 int 类型,如果大于 0 则意味着该交易有锁定区块,为恶意交易可以不予确认到账。为了避免充值不予到账损害“用户”利益可以进行另外一种处理:判断锁定区块是否到达,如果未到达则不予入账。
所有受影响 RPC 接口
同理:在其他地方使用了如上四个接口的地方也需要对 unlock_time 字段进行判断是否大于 0 ,大于 0 则不予充值到账。
该问题之前在 HackerOne 也有被白帽子提过漏洞赏金,其中门罗官方回复:
Returns a list oftransfers.
Alias: None.
in - boolean; (Optional) Include incoming transfers.
out - boolean; (Optional) Include outgoing transfers.
pending - boolean; (Optional) Include pending transfers.
failed - boolean; (Optional) Include failed transfers.
pool - boolean; (Optional) Include transfers from the daemon's transaction pool.
filter_by_height - boolean; (Optional) Filter transfers by block height.
min_height - unsigned int; (Optional) Minimum block height to scan for transfers, if filtering by height is enabled.
max_height - unsigned int; (Opional) Maximum block height to scan for transfers, if filtering by height is enabled (defaults to max block height).
account_index - unsigned int; (Optional) Index of the account to query for transfers. (defaults to 0)
subaddr_indices - array of unsigned int; (Optional) List of subaddress indices to query for transfers. (Defaults to empty - all indices)
in array of transfers:
address - string; Public address of the transfer.
amount - unsigned int; Amount transferred.
confirmations - unsigned int; Number of block mined since the block containing this transaction (or block height at which the transaction should be added to a block if not yet confirmed).
double_spend_seen - boolean; True if the key image(s) for the transfer have been seen before.
fee - unsigned int; Transaction fee for this transfer.
height - unsigned int; Height of the first block that confirmed this transfer (0 if not mined yet).
note - string; Note about this transfer.
payment_id - string; Payment ID for this transfer.
subaddr_index - JSON object containing the major & minor subaddress index:
major - unsigned int; Account index for the subaddress.
minor - unsigned int; Index of the subaddress under the account.
suggested_confirmations_threshold - unsigned int; Estimation of the confirmations needed for the transaction to be included in a block.
timestamp - unsigned int; POSIX timestamp for when this transfer was first confirmed in a block (or timestamp submission if not mined yet).
txid - string; Transaction ID for this transfer.
type - string; Transfer type: "in"
**unlock_time - unsigned int; Number of blocks until transfer is safely spendable.**
out array of transfers (see above).
pending array of transfers (see above).
failed array of transfers (see above).
pool array of transfers (see above).
Example:$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_transfers","params":{"in":true,"account_index":1}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"in": [{
"address": "77Vx9cs1VPicFndSVgYUvTdLCJEZw9h81hXLMYsjBCXSJfUehLa9TDW3Ffh45SQa7xb6dUs18mpNxfUhQGqfwXPSMrvKhVp",
"amount": 200000000000,
"confirmations": 1,
"double_spend_seen": false,
"fee": 21650200000,
"height": 153624,
"note": "",
"payment_id": "0000000000000000",
"subaddr_index": {
"major": 1,
"minor": 0
"suggested_confirmations_threshold": 1,
"timestamp": 1535918400,
"txid": "c36258a276018c3a4bc1f195a7fb530f50cd63a4fa765fb7c6f7f49fc051762a",
"type": "in",
"unlock_time": 0
Get a list ofincoming payments using a given payment id.
Alias: None.
payment_id - string; Payment ID used to find the payments (16 characters hex).
payments - list of:
payment_id - string; Payment ID matching the input parameter.
tx_hash - string; Transaction hash used as the transaction ID.
amount - unsigned int; Amount for this payment.
block_height - unsigned int; Height of the block that first confirmed this payment.
**unlock_time - unsigned int; Time (in block height) until this payment is safe to spend.**
subaddr_index - subaddress index:
major - unsigned int; Account index for the subaddress.
minor - unsigned int; Index of the subaddress in the account.
address - string; Address receiving the payment; Base58 representation of the public keys.
Example:$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_payments","params":{"payment_id":"60900e5603bf96e3"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"payments": [{
"address": "55LTR8KniP4LQGJSPtbYDacR7dz8RBFnsfAKMaMuwUNYX6aQbBcovzDPyrQF9KXF9tVU6Xk3K8no1BywnJX6GvZX8yJsXvt",
"amount": 1000000000000,
"block_height": 127606,
"payment_id": "60900e5603bf96e3",
"subaddr_index": {
"major": 0,
"minor": 0
"tx_hash": "3292e83ad28fc1cc7bc26dbd38862308f4588680fbf93eae3e803cddd1bd614f",
"unlock_time": 0
Get a list ofincoming payments using a given payment id, or a list of payments ids, from agiven height. This method is the preferred method over get_paymentsbecause it has the same functionality butis more extendable. Either is fine for looking up transactions by a singlepayment ID.
Alias: None.
payment_ids - array of: string; Payment IDs used to find the payments (16 characters hex).
min_block_height - unsigned int; The block height at which to start looking for payments.
payments - list of:
payment_id - string; Payment ID matching one of the input IDs.
tx_hash - string; Transaction hash used as the transaction ID.
amount - unsigned int; Amount for this payment.
block_height - unsigned int; Height of the block that first confirmed this payment.
unlock_time - unsigned int; Time (in block height) until this payment is safe to spend.
subaddr_index - subaddress index:
major - unsigned int; Account index for the subaddress.
minor - unsigned int; Index of the subaddress in the account.
address - string; Address receiving the payment; Base58 representation of the public keys.
Example:$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_bulk_payments","params":{"payment_ids":["60900e5603bf96e3"],"min_block_height":"120000"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"payments": [{
"address": "55LTR8KniP4LQGJSPtbYDacR7dz8RBFnsfAKMaMuwUNYX6aQbBcovzDPyrQF9KXF9tVU6Xk3K8no1BywnJX6GvZX8yJsXvt",
"amount": 1000000000000,
"block_height": 127606,
"payment_id": "60900e5603bf96e3",
"subaddr_index": {
"major": 0,
"minor": 0
"tx_hash": "3292e83ad28fc1cc7bc26dbd38862308f4588680fbf93eae3e803cddd1bd614f",
"unlock_time": 0
Show informationabout a transfer to/from this address.
Alias: None.
txid - string; Transaction ID used to find the transfer.
account_index - unsigned int; (Optional) Index of the account to query for the transfer.
transfer - JSON object containing payment information:
address - string; Address that transferred the funds. Base58 representation of the public keys.
amount - unsigned int; Amount of this transfer.
confirmations - unsigned int; Number of block mined since the block containing this transaction (or block height at which the transaction should be added to a block if not yet confirmed).
destinations - array of JSON objects containing transfer destinations:
amount - unsigned int; Amount transferred to this destination.
address - string; Address for this destination. Base58 representation of the public keys.
double_spend_seen - boolean; True if the key image(s) for the transfer have been seen before.
fee - unsigned int; Transaction fee for this transfer.
height - unsigned int; Height of the first block that confirmed this transfer.
note - string; Note about this transfer.
payment_id - string; Payment ID for this transfer.
subaddr_index - JSON object containing the major & minor subaddress index:
major - unsigned int; Account index for the subaddress.
minor - unsigned int; Index of the subaddress under the account.
suggested_confirmations_threshold - unsigned int; Estimation of the confirmations needed for the transaction to be included in a block.
timestamp - unsigned int; POSIX timestamp for the block that confirmed this transfer (or timestamp submission if not mined yet).
txid - string; Transaction ID of this transfer (same as input TXID).
type - string; Type of transfer, one of the following: "in", "out", "pending", "failed", "pool"
unlock_time - unsigned int; Number of blocks until transfer is safely spendable.
Example:$ curl -X POST http://localhost:18082/json_rpc -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_transfer_by_txid","params":{"txid":"c36258a276018c3a4bc1f195a7fb530f50cd63a4fa765fb7c6f7f49fc051762a"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"transfer": {
"address": "55LTR8KniP4LQGJSPtbYDacR7dz8RBFnsfAKMaMuwUNYX6aQbBcovzDPyrQF9KXF9tVU6Xk3K8no1BywnJX6GvZX8yJsXvt",
"amount": 300000000000,
"confirmations": 1,
"destinations": [{
"address": "7BnERTpvL5MbCLtj5n9No7J5oE5hHiB3tVCK5cjSvCsYWD2WRJLFuWeKTLiXo5QJqt2ZwUaLy2Vh1Ad51K7FNgqcHgjW85o",
"amount": 100000000000
"address": "77Vx9cs1VPicFndSVgYUvTdLCJEZw9h81hXLMYsjBCXSJfUehLa9TDW3Ffh45SQa7xb6dUs18mpNxfUhQGqfwXPSMrvKhVp",
"amount": 200000000000
"double_spend_seen": false,
"fee": 21650200000,
"height": 153624,
"note": "",
"payment_id": "0000000000000000",
"subaddr_index": {
"major": 0,
"minor": 0
"suggested_confirmations_threshold": 1,
"timestamp": 1535918400,
"txid": "c36258a276018c3a4bc1f195a7fb530f50cd63a4fa765fb7c6f7f49fc051762a",
"type": "out",
"unlock_time": 0