在上篇文章中,我们介绍了Windows 10秋季创意者更新(Windows 10 1709)中引入的类型隔离(Type Isolation)功能,该功能是Win32k子系统中的一项漏洞利用缓解措施,会对SURFACE对象的内存布局(即内核端Bitmap的内部表示)进行拆分。在深入讲解了借助GDI Bitmaps对象来实现内核漏洞利用的方法后,我们对类型隔离的数据结构和初始化过程进行了详细分析。在本文,我们继续对类型隔离进行详细的分析。
4.3 分配
win32kfull!NtGdiCreateBitmap()系统调用负责创建GDI Bitmap对象。win32kfull!NtGdiCreateBitmap()会对win32kbase!GreCreateBitmap()进行调用,而后者继而调用win32kbase!SURFMEM::bCreateDIB()。win32kbase!SURFMEM::bCreateDIB()的作用是为SURFACE对象分配内存。在此前版本的Windows中,Bitmap的像素数据缓冲区通常与SURFACE头部相连续。如上文所述,这样一来就使得我们可以通过破坏SURFACE头部的sizlBitmap成员,来“扩展”像素数据缓冲区,并使其与相邻Bitmap的SURFACE头部重叠。
从Windows 10秋季创意者版本开始,win32kbase!SURFMEM::bCreateDIB会确保SURFACE头部与像素数据缓冲区被分别分配,从而实现类型隔离的缓解。
SURFMEM::bCreateDIB+10B sub r15d, r12d ; alloc_size = requested_size - sizeof(SURFACE)
SURFMEM::bCreateDIB+10E jz short loc_1C0038F91
SURFMEM::bCreateDIB+110 call cs:__imp_IsWin32AllocPoolImplSupported
SURFMEM::bCreateDIB+116 test eax, eax
SURFMEM::bCreateDIB+118 js loc_1C00C54D6
SURFMEM::bCreateDIB+11E mov r8d, 'mbpG' ; Tag = 'Gpbm'
SURFMEM::bCreateDIB+124 mov edx, r15d ; NumberOfBytes = requested_size - sizeof(SURFACE)
SURFMEM::bCreateDIB+127 mov ecx, 21h ; PoolType = PagedPoolSession
SURFMEM::bCreateDIB+12C call cs:__imp_Win32AllocPoolImpl ; <<< allocation! only for the pixel_data_buffer
SURFMEM::bCreateDIB+16C mov rax, cs:uchar * * gpTypeIsolation
SURFMEM::bCreateDIB+173 mov rcx, [rax]
SURFMEM::bCreateDIB+176 test rcx, rcx
SURFMEM::bCreateDIB+179 jz loc_1C00C579D
SURFMEM::bCreateDIB+17F call NSInstrumentation::CTypeIsolation<163840,640>::AllocateType(void)
SURFMEM::bCreateDIB+184 mov rsi, rax ; rsi = buffer for the SURFACE header
SURFMEM::bCreateDIB+187 test rax, rax ; the returned buffer is a View of a Section object
SURFMEM::bCreateDIB+18A jz loc_1C00C5791
.text:00000001C0039863 mov r8d, ebp ; HintIndex = 0
.text:00000001C0039866 cmp eax, 0F0h ; bitmap_hint_index >= RTL_BITMAP->size?
.text:00000001C003986B jnb short loc_1C0039870
.text:00000001C003986D mov r8d, eax ; HintIndex = bitmap_hint_index
.text:00000001C0039870 loc_1C0039870: ; CODE XREF: NSInstrumentation::CTypeIsolation<163840,640>::AllocateType(void)+6Bj
.text:00000001C0039870 mov rcx, [rsi+18h] ; rcx = CSectionBitmapAllocator->xored_rtl_bitmap
.text:00000001C0039874 mov edx, 1 ; NumberToFind
.text:00000001C0039879 xor rcx, [rsi+10h] ; BitMapHeader = CSectionBitmapAllocator->xored_rtl_bitmap
.text:00000001C0039879 ; ^ CSectionBitmapAllocator->xor_key
.text:00000001C003987D call cs:__imp_RtlFindClearBits
.text:00000001C0039883 mov r12d, eax ; r12 = free_bit_index
.text:00000001C0039886 cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh ; free_bit_index == -1?
.text:00000001C0039889 jz short loc_1C00398D6 ; if so, RTL_BITMAP is full, check another CSectionEntry
因此,我们需要将nt!RtlFindClearBits()返回的RTL_BITMAP中闲置位的索引映射到Section视图中空闲位置的相应内存地址。为了实现这一点,闲置位的索引将会除以6,原因在于该Section的每个0x1000字节视图能够容纳6个大小为0x280的SURFACE头部。我在下面的反汇编代码中调用了view_index,这个view_index的范围是[0, 0x27]。因为每个Section的大小是0x28000字节,所以它可以被分为大小为0x1000的0x28个视图,并且在一个Section中会有0x28个视图可能被用来寻址。
正如MSDN中( https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/kernel/managing-memory-sections )所描述的那样:“在访问虚拟内存范围之前,没有为视图分配物理内存”。如果经过比较,view_index小于提交视图的计数,那么我们就不需要再提交一个新的视图,会直接进行分配。否则,就通过调用nt!MmCommitSessionMappedView,来计算相应视图的地址(first_view + view_index * 0x1000),并将其提交到物理内存之中。
.text:00000001C003988B mov eax, 0AAAAAAABh
.text:00000001C0039890 mul r12d
.text:00000001C0039893 mov eax, [rsi+24h] ; eax = CSectionBitmapAllocator->num_commited_views
.text:00000001C0039896 mov r15d, edx ; HI_DWORD(free_bit_index * 0xaaaaaaab) / 4 == free_bit_index / 6
.text:00000001C0039899 shr r15d, 2 ; r15d = view_index = free_bit_index / 6 (6 SURFACE headers fit in 0x1000 bytes)
.text:00000001C003989D cmp r15d, eax ; view_index < num_commited_views ?
.text:00000001C00398A0 jb loc_1C003998A ; if so, no need to commit a new 0x1000-byte chunk from the View
.text:00000001C00398A6 cmp eax, 28h ; num_commited_views >= MAX_VIEW_INDEX ?
.text:00000001C00398A9 jnb loc_1C003998A
.text:00000001C00398AF mov rbp, [rsi+8]
.text:00000001C00398AF ; rbp = CSectionBitmapAllocator->xored_view
.text:00000001C00398B3 mov edx, r15d ; edx = view_index
.text:00000001C00398B6 xor rbp, [rsi+10h] ; CSectionBitmapAllocator->xored_view ^ CSectionBitmapAllocator->xor_key
.text:00000001C00398BA shl edx, 0Ch ; view_index * 0x1000
.text:00000001C00398BD add rbp, rdx ; rbp = view + view_index * 0x1000
.text:00000001C00398C0 mov edx, 1000h ; edx = size to commit
.text:00000001C00398C5 mov rcx, rbp ; rcx = addr of view to commit
.text:00000001C00398C8 call cs:__imp_MmCommitSessionMappedView
.text:00000001C0039975 loc_1C0039975: ; CODE XREF: NSInstrumentation::CTypeIsolation<163840,640>::AllocateType(void)+D0j
.text:00000001C0039975 xor edx, edx ; Val
.text:00000001C0039977 mov r8d, 1000h ; Size
.text:00000001C003997D mov rcx, rbp ; Dst
.text:00000001C0039980 call memset ; this memset actually commits the memory
.text:00000001C0039985 inc dword ptr [rsi+24h] ; CSectionBitmapAllocator->num_commited_views++
.text:00000001C0039988 xor ebp, ebp
.text:00000001C003998A mov rcx, [rsi+18h] ; rcx = CsectionBitmapAllocator->xored_rtl_bitmap
.text:00000001C003998E mov edx, r12d ; BitNumber = free bit index
.text:00000001C0039991 xor rcx, [rsi+10h] ; BitMapHeader = CSectionBitmapAllocator->xored_rtl_bitmap
.text:00000001C0039991 ; ^ CSectionBitmapAllocator->xor_key
.text:00000001C0039995 call cs:__imp_RtlTestBit ; [!] return value not checked
.text:00000001C003999B mov rcx, [rsi+18h] ; rcx = CsectionBitmapAllocator->xored_rtl_bitmap
.text:00000001C003999F mov edx, r12d ; BitNumber
.text:00000001C00399A2 xor rcx, [rsi+10h] ; BitMapHeader = xored_rtl_bitmap ^ xor_key
.text:00000001C00399A6 call cs:__imp_RtlSetBit
.text:00000001C00399AC inc dword ptr [rsi+20h] ; CSectionBitmapAllocator->bitmap_hint_index++
.text:00000001C00399AF cmp dword ptr [rsi+20h], 0F0h ; CSectionBitmapAllocator->bitmap_hint_index >= bitmap size?
.text:00000001C00399B6 jnb short loc_1C0039A27
.text:00000001C0039A27 loc_1C0039A27: ; CODE XREF: NSInstrumentation::CTypeIsolation<163840,640>::AllocateType(void)+1B6j
.text:00000001C0039A27 mov [rsi+20h], ebp ; CSectionBitmapAllocator->bitmap_hint_index = 0
.text:00000001C0039A2A jmp short loc_1C00399B8
现在,我们已经将闲置位映射到相应的视图中,接下来需要在该视图中选择一个0x280字节的块。每个视图可以保存6个SURFACE头部(0x1000 / 0x280 == 6)。为实现这一点,会进行如下计算:free_bit_index – view_index * 6,该计算可简化为:free_bit_index % 6。
.text:00000001C00399B8 mov rax, [rsi+10h] ; rax = CSectionBitmapAllocator->xor_key
.text:00000001C00399BC mov ecx, r15d ; ecx = view_index
.text:00000001C00399BF mov rsi, [rsi+8] ; rsi = CSectionBitmapAllocator->xored_view
.text:00000001C00399C3 xor edx, edx
.text:00000001C00399C5 shl ecx, 0Ch ; ecx = view_index * 0x1000
.text:00000001C00399C8 xor rsi, rax ; rsi = xored_view ^ xor_key
.text:00000001C00399CB add rsi, rcx ; rsi = view + view_index * 0x1000
.text:00000001C00399CE mov rcx, rbx ; rcx = CSectionBitmapAllocator->pushlock
.text:00000001C00399D1 call cs:__imp_ExReleasePushLockExclusiveEx
.text:00000001C00399D7 call cs:__imp_KeLeaveCriticalRegion
.text:00000001C00399DD lea eax, [r15+r15*2] ; r15 == view_index
.text:00000001C00399E1 add eax, eax
.text:00000001C00399E3 sub r12d, eax ; r12d = free_bit_index - view_index * 6 == free_bit_index % 6
.text:00000001C00399E6 lea ebx, [r12+r12*4]
.text:00000001C00399EA shl ebx, 7 ; ebx = r12 * 0x5 * 0x80 == r12 * 0x280
.text:00000001C00399ED add rbx, rsi ; rbx += view + view_index * 0x1000
.text:00000001C0039870 mov rcx, [rsi+18h] ; rcx = CSectionBitmapAllocator->xored_rtl_bitmap
.text:00000001C0039874 mov edx, 1 ; NumberToFind
.text:00000001C0039879 xor rcx, [rsi+10h] ; BitMapHeader = xored_rtl_bitmap ^ xor_key
.text:00000001C003987D call cs:__imp_RtlFindClearBits
.text:00000001C0039883 mov r12d, eax ; r12 = free_bit_index
.text:00000001C0039886 cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh ; free_bit_index == -1?
.text:00000001C0039889 jz short loc_1C00398D6 ; if so, RTL_BITMAP is full, check another CSectionEntry
.text:00000001C00398D6 loc_1C00398D6: ; CODE XREF: NSInstrumentation::CTypeIsolation<163840,640>::AllocateType(void)+89j
.text:00000001C00398D6 lea rcx, [rsp+48h+arg_0]
.text:00000001C00398DB call NSInstrumentation::CAutoExclusiveCReaderWriterLock<NSInstrumentation::CPlatformReaderWriterLock>::~CAutoExclusiveCReaderWriterLock<NSInstrumentation::CPlatformReaderWriterLock>(void)
.text:00000001C00398E0 loc_1C00398E0: ; CODE XREF: NSInstrumentation::CTypeIsolation<163840,640>::AllocateType(void)+1F0j
.text:00000001C00398E0 mov r14, [r14] ; r14 = CSectionEntry->next
.text:00000001C00398E3 mov ebp, 0
.text:00000001C00398E8 cmp r14, r13 ; CSectionEntry->next == CTypeIsolation ?
.text:00000001C00398EB jnz loc_1C0039843 ; if not, keep traversing the list
否则,如果我们已经到达CSectionEntry对象列表的末尾,但没有找到一个空位置(也就是说,每个CSectionEntry都最大限度占用了0xF0 SURFACE头部),那么就会到达下面的代码位置。如下所示,会创建一个新的CSectionEntry,并且这个新的CSectionEntry的CSectionBitmapAllocator成员会调用CSectionBitmapAllocator::Allocate()。如我们所预期的那样,CSectionBitmapAllocator::Allocate()完成的几乎是之前描述的过程:在RTL_BITMAP中找到一个闲置位,提交与闲置位相对应的0x1000字节的视图,在RTL_BITMAP将该位标记为忙状态,并返回提交的视图中新创建的SURFACE头部的地址。
.text:00000001C00398F1 loc_1C00398F1: ; CODE XREF: NSInstrumentation::CTypeIsolation<163840,640>::AllocateType(void)+3Dj
.text:00000001C00398F1 xor edx, edx ; if we land here, that means that we finished traversing
.text:00000001C00398F1 ; the list of CSectionEntry, without finding an empty slot
.text:00000001C00398F3 mov rcx, rdi
.text:00000001C00398F6 call cs:__imp_ExReleasePushLockSharedEx
.text:00000001C00398FC call cs:__imp_KeLeaveCriticalRegion
.text:00000001C0039902 call NSInstrumentation::CSectionEntry<163840,640>::Create(void)
.text:00000001C0039907 mov rdi, rax ; rdi = new CSectionEntry
.text:00000001C003990A test rax, rax
.text:00000001C003990D jz short loc_1C003996D
.text:00000001C003990F mov rcx, [rax+20h] ; rcx = CSectionEntry->bitmap_allocator
.text:00000001C0039913 call NSInstrumentation::CSectionBitmapAllocator<163840,640>::Allocate(void) ; *** do the actual SURFACE header allocation
.text:00000001C0039918 mov rbp, rax ; rbp = return value, allocated SURFACE header
.text:00000001C0039939 mov rcx, [r13+8] ; rcx = CTypeIsolation->previous
.text:00000001C003993D cmp [rcx], r13 ; CTypeIsolation->previous->next == CTypeIsolation ?
.text:00000001C0039940 jnz FatalListEntryError_9 ; if not, the list is corrupted
.text:00000001C0039946 mov [rdi+8], rcx ; CSectionEntry->previous = CTypeIsolation->previous
.text:00000001C003994A xor edx, edx
.text:00000001C003994C mov [rdi], r13 ; CSectionEntry->next = CTypeIsolation
.text:00000001C003994F mov [rcx], rdi ; CTypeIsolation->previous->next = CSectionEntry
.text:00000001C0039952 mov rcx, rbx
.text:00000001C0039955 add dword ptr [r13+18h], 0F0h ; CTypeIsolation->size += 0xF0
.text:00000001C003995D mov [r13+8], rdi ; CTypeIsolation->previous = CSectionEntry
4.4 释放
.text:00000001C002DC9A cmp byte ptr [rbp+270h], 0 ; boolean is_kernel_mode_pixel_data_buffer
.text:00000001C002DCA1 loc_1C002DCA1: ; DATA XREF: .rdata:00000001C017D540o
.text:00000001C002DCA1 mov [rsp+48h+arg_8], rbx
.text:00000001C002DCA6 jz short loc_1C002DCCC ; if byte[SURFACE+0x270] == 0, the pixel data buffer is not freed
.text:00000001C002DCA8 mov rbx, [rbp+48h] ; rbx = SURFACE->pvScan0
.text:00000001C002DCAC test rbx, rbx
.text:00000001C002DCAF jz short loc_1C002DCCC
.text:00000001C002DCB1 call cs:__imp_IsWin32FreePoolImplSupported
.text:00000001C002DCB7 test eax, eax
.text:00000001C002DCB9 js short loc_1C002DCC4
.text:00000001C002DCBB mov rcx, rbx
.text:00000001C002DCBE call cs:__imp_Win32FreePoolImpl ; frees the pixel data buffer
在此之后,它会开始遍历CSectionEntry对象的双向链表,试图确定哪一个CSectionEntry中包含了需要释放的SURFACE头部。为了实现这一点,只需要检查是否满足CSectionEntry->view <= SURFACE <= CSectionEntry->view + 0x28000。请大家注意,这一判断条件是存在问题的,正确的判断条件应该为:CSectionEntry->view <= SURFACE < CSectionEntry->view + 0x28000,其中第二个比较符号应为小于号,而不是小于等于号。
.text:00000001C002DCCC mov rax, cs:uchar * * gpTypeIsolation
.text:00000001C002DCD3 mov rsi, [rax] ; rsi = CTypeIsolation head
.text:00000001C002DD08 mov rbx, [rsi] ; rbx = CTypeIsolation->next
.text:00000001C002DD0B cmp rbx, rsi ; next == CTypeIsolation ?
.text:00000001C002DD0E jz loc_1C002DDFF ; if so, there's no CSectionEntry
.text:00000001C002DD14 mov r12, 0CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCDh
.text:00000001C002DD1E xchg ax, ax
.text:00000001C002DD20 loc_1C002DD20: ; CODE XREF: SURFACE::Free(SURFACE *)+C5j
.text:00000001C002DD20 mov r14, [rbx+20h] ; r14 = CSectionEntry->bitmap_allocator
.text:00000001C002DD24 mov r8, [r14+10h] ; r8 = bitmap_allocator->xor_key
.text:00000001C002DD28 mov rax, r8
.text:00000001C002DD2B xor rax, [r14+8] ; rax = xor_key ^ xored_view
.text:00000001C002DD2F cmp rbp, rax ; SURFACE < view?
.text:00000001C002DD32 jb short loc_1C002DD3F ; ...if so, skip to the next CSectionEntry
.text:00000001C002DD34 add rax, 28000h ; view += section_size
.text:00000001C002DD3A cmp rbp, rax ; SURFACE <= end of last view?
.text:00000001C002DD3D jbe short loc_1C002DD4C ; if so, we found the view containing the SURFACE header
当满足条件时,意味着我们已经找到了包含着要被释放的SURFACE头部的CSectionEntry。随后,会计算其视图中的SURFACE索引(在这里我们称之为index_within_view),计算方式是获取SURFACE地址中较低的3个 半字节(Nibble),并将其除以0x280。
.text:00000001C002DD4C loc_1C002DD4C: ; CODE XREF: SURFACE::Free(SURFACE *)+BDj
.text:00000001C002DD4C mov rcx, rbp ; rcx = SURFACE header
.text:00000001C002DD4F mov rax, r12
.text:00000001C002DD52 and ecx, 0FFFh
.text:00000001C002DD58 mul rcx
.text:00000001C002DD5B mov r15, rdx
.text:00000001C002DD5E shr r15, 9 ; r15 = (SURFACE & 0xfff) / 0x280 == index_within_view
.text:00000001C002DD62 lea rax, [r15+r15*4]
.text:00000001C002DD66 shl rax, 7 ; rax = r15 * 0x5 * 0x80 == r15 * 0x280
.text:00000001C002DD6A sub rcx, rax ; if rcx == rax, it's ok
.text:00000001C002DD6D jnz short loc_1C002DD3F
随后,SURFACE的地址需要映射到表示RTL_BITMAP中的位索引上。为了获得相应的位索引,首先获取了view_index(也就是这个SURFACE对象所在的0x1000字节视图的位置),然后进行如下计算:view_index * 6 + index_within_view。
.text:00000001C002DD72 mov eax, ebp ; eax = lo_dword(SURFACE)
.text:00000001C002DD74 xor ecx, [r14+8] ; ecx = lo_dword(xor_key) ^ lo_dword(xored_view)
.text:00000001C002DD78 sub eax, ecx ; eax = lo_dword(SURFACE) - lo_dword(view)
.text:00000001C002DD7A mov rcx, [r14+18h] ; rcx = CSectionBitmapAllocator->xored_rtl_bitmap
.text:00000001C002DD7E shr eax, 0Ch ; eax /= 0x1000 == view_index
.text:00000001C002DD81 xor rcx, r8 ; BitMapHeader = xored_rtl_bitmap ^ xor_key
.text:00000001C002DD84 lea eax, [rax+rax*2]
.text:00000001C002DD87 lea edx, [r15+rax*2] ; BitNumber = view_index * 6 + index_within_view
.text:00000001C002DD8B call cs:__imp_RtlTestBit
.text:00000001C002DD91 test al, al
.text:00000001C002DD93 jz short loc_1C002DD3F ; bit is turned off?
.text:00000001C002DDA9 mov rdx, rbp ; rdx = SURFACE header
.text:00000001C002DDAC mov rcx, r14 ; rcx = bitmap_allocator
.text:00000001C002DDAF call NSInstrumentation::CSectionBitmapAllocator<163840,640>::ContainsAllocation(void const *)
.text:00000001C002DDB4 mov ecx, [r14+8] ; ecx = CSectionBitmapAllocator->xored_view
.text:00000001C002DDB8 mov eax, ebp ; [!] return value from ContainsAllocation() is not checked
.text:00000001C002DDBA xor ecx, [r14+10h] ; CSectionBitmapAllocator->xored_view ^ CSectionBitmapAllocator->xor_key
.text:00000001C002DDBE sub eax, ecx ; eax = lo_dword(SURFACE) - lo_dword(view)
.text:00000001C002DDC0 mov rcx, [r14+18h] ; rcx = CSectionBitmapAllocator->xored_rtl_bitmap
.text:00000001C002DDC4 xor rcx, [r14+10h] ; BitMapHeader = xored_rtl_bitmap ^ xor_key
.text:00000001C002DDC8 shr eax, 0Ch ; eax /= 0x1000 == view_index
.text:00000001C002DDCB lea eax, [rax+rax*2]
.text:00000001C002DDCE lea esi, [r15+rax*2]
.text:00000001C002DDD2 mov edx, esi ; BitNumber = view_index * 6 + index_within_view
.text:00000001C002DDD4 call cs:__imp_RtlClearBit ; mark the slot as available
.text:00000001C002DDDA xor edx, edx ; Val
.text:00000001C002DDDC mov r8d, 280h ; Size
.text:00000001C002DDE2 mov rcx, rbp ; Dst
.text:00000001C002DDE5 call memset ; null-out the freed SURFACE header in the view
.text:00000001C002DDEA xor edx, edx
.text:00000001C002DDEC mov [r14+20h], esi ; bitmap_allocator->bitmap_hint_index = index of freed slot
4.5 WinDBG扩展
在对Win32k类型隔离的逆向工程中,我开发了一个WinDBG的扩展,来帮助我们将类型隔离的结构状态转储出来。该扩展可以从这里下载:https://github.com/fdfalcon/TypeIsolationDbg 。
!gptypeisolation [address]:打印最高级CTypeIsolation结构(默认地址: win32kbase!gpTypeIsolation)。
!typeisolation [address]:打印一个NSInstrumentation::CTypeIsolation结构。
!sectionentry [address]:打印一个NSInstrumentation::CSectionEntry结构。
!sectionbitmapallocator [address]:打印一个NSInstrumentation::CSectionBitmapAllocator结构。
!rtlbitmap [address]:打印一个RTL_BITMAP结构。
kd> !gptypeisolation
win32kbase!gpTypeIsolation is at address 0xffffe6cf95138a98.
Pointer [1] stored at win32kbase!gpTypeIsolation: 0xffffe6a4400006b0.
Pointer [2]: 0xffffe6a440000680.
+0x000 next : 0xffffe6a440000620
+0x008 previous : 0xffffe6a441d8ca20
+0x010 pushlock : 0xffffe6a440000660
+0x018 size : 0xF00 [number of section entries: 0x10]
kd> !sectionentry ffffe6a440000620
+0x000 next : 0xffffe6a441ca2470
+0x008 previous : 0xffffe6a440000680
+0x010 section : 0xffff86855f09f260
+0x018 view : 0xffffe6a4403a0000
+0x020 bitmap_allocator : 0xffffe6a4400005e0
kd> !sectionbitmapallocator ffffe6a4400005e0
+0x000 pushlock : 0xffffe6a4400005c0
+0x008 xored_view : 0xa410b31c3f332f4c [decoded: 0xffffe6a4403a0000]
+0x010 xor_key : 0x5bef55b87f092f4c
+0x018 xored_rtl_bitmap : 0xa410b31c3f092acc [decoded: 0xffffe6a440000580]
+0x020 bitmap_hint_index : 0xC0
+0x024 num_commited_views : 0x27
kd> !rtlbitmap ffffe6a440000580
+0x000 size : 0xF0
+0x008 bitmap_buffer : 0xffffe6a440000590
kd> dyb ffffe6a440000590 L20
76543210 76543210 76543210 76543210
-------- -------- -------- --------
ffffe6a4`40000590 00000101 00000000 00000110 10110000 05 00 06 b0
ffffe6a4`40000594 00011100 10000000 11011011 11110110 1c 80 db f6
ffffe6a4`40000598 01111101 11111111 11111111 11111111 7d ff ff ff
ffffe6a4`4000059c 11111111 11011111 11110111 01111111 ff df f7 7f
ffffe6a4`400005a0 11111111 11111111 11111111 01111111 ff ff ff 7f
ffffe6a4`400005a4 11111101 11111001 11111111 01101111 fd f9 ff 6f
ffffe6a4`400005a8 11111110 11111111 11111111 11111111 fe ff ff ff
ffffe6a4`400005ac 11111111 00000011 00000000 00000000 ff 03 00 00
4.6 总结
在Windows 10 1709的Win32k组件中实现的类型隔离缓解措施,调整了GDI Bitmap对象在内核空间中的分配方式:SURFACE头部在Section视图上分配,而像素数据缓冲区则在PagedPoolSession池上分配。这样一来,由于像素数据缓冲区的末尾不再紧跟着下一个SURFACE对象的头部,因此就无法实现相邻Bitmap的定向喷射,所以无法再利用Bitmaps作为有限的内存损坏漏洞利用目标。
[1] https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd183377(v=vs.85).aspx
[2] https://www.coresecurity.com/system/files/publications/2016/10/Abusing-GDI-Reloaded-ekoparty-2016_0.pdf
[3] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/kernel/section-objects-and-views
[4] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/kernel/managing-memory-sections
[5] https://sensepost.com/blog/2017/abusing-gdi-objects-for-ring0-primitives-revolution/
[6] https://labs.bluefrostsecurity.de/files/Abusing_GDI_for_ring0_exploit_primitives_Evolution_Slides.pdf
[7] http://theevilbit.blogspot.com/2017/10/abusing-gdi-objects-for-kernel.html